Now Booking: House Concerts for Spring/Summer 2022

Always wanted to host an intimate house concert in your home? Calie would love to speak with you about booking a socially-distanced, outdoor house concert for this Spring or Summer! House concerts are generally small, limited gatherings (limited merely by the size and scope of the space you hope to host the show) with about an hour of food and mingling on the front end followed by about 90 minutes of songs and stories performed by Calie (and friends, if you so desire!). These concerts are limited only by your imagination, space, and guest list, and can be BYOB, potluck, dessert, or whatever you’re hoping for! This is a great way to invite friends, family and local community members over for an exciting night of music, sharing, and new experiences with new friends. Please fill out the form below if you’d like to host Calie Garrett for a house concert.